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Artikel Terbaru Best Facebook Tips and Tricks 2017 Update Terlengkap 2017
Facebook is number 1 social media site. And its user are increasing rapidly so here we share the most searched Facebook tips and tricks . so must use these best facebook tips and tricks 2017 to change the way using facebook.
A. Boost Your Fan page Without Paying anything :
To accomplish their different requirements (some may be for SEO) users also don’t hesitate to try some different tricks in Facebook which is actually not given in Facebook functionality. So on demand of our visitors, here I’m going to discuss one of those Facebook tricks. This trick, mostly used for SEO purpose is how to add continue reading text link in Facebook post which on click tend to open intended brand page.
A simple and working trick to add continue reading text link in Facebook post which on click tend to open intended brand page. Follow simple steps listed below:-
Things you will need :
1. Your page id (Which you want to open)
2. Your post text
3. A short code given below
Steps :
1. Copy this code in notepad
@[697082067123959:0] Your Post Text @@[0:[697082067123959:1:continue reading…]]
2. Visit your brand page About/Info section and copy page Id in notepad
3. Replace “697082067123959” with your own page id in short code
4. Replace “Your Post Text” with your own post text in short code
5. Replace “continue reading…” with text you want to create link (optional)
6. Now your code would look like –
7. Now go to m.facebook.com
(This trick works only in mobile devices or on m.facebook.com )
8. Paste this code in post text area and click on post
9. That’s it, you have done !!
1. Go to http://findmyfbid.com/
2. Paste your page url and click on go
3. Thats it, you have done!!!
B. Stop tagging at facebook
Facebook benefits from people using the photo tagging feature because it encourages more engagement in their product. However, there are three ways to address this issue: (1) tell your friends you don't want to be tagged, (2) remove the tag when you're notified it's added, and (3) set a privacy setting to allow "only me" to see what photos/videos you're tagged in. The privacy setting can be found as follows:
1. Under the "Account" menu in the upper right, choose "Privacy Settings"
2. In the section "Things others share" find "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" and click "Edit Settings"
3. Change the "Who can see..." option to "Customize"
4. Change the "These people" option to "Only Me"
5. Click the "Save Setting" button
C. How to Bypass Facebook photo tag verification 2016 New
When You Get this problem Than you will see Friends tag verification.
The solution is very simple :
1. Just downlaod Hola VPN from Playstore
2. Open it and set country JAPAN
3. Enter m.basic.facebook.com in search box
4. Then login with your facebook id
5. It will ask for your mobile number and date of birth to verify your accounts.
6. And its done.
D. Creat Fake facebook conversation
You can create fake facebook coversation as per your desire visiting
E. Invite all facebook friends to like your page and group at once.
You can invite all your facebook friends at once with the help of chrome extension .Download this extension and invite all your friends at once to grow your facebook fan page or group.
D. Accept/reject all friends request/clear pending request/ invite all friends to group at once via mobile
If you have a lot of pending friends request its very annoying to accept all one by one .In this case, you need to download puffin browser.
F. Make money with facebook
You can also make money with facebook if you have follow some this steps which mentioned in this guide
I will also recommend this for you.
A. Boost Your Fan page Without Paying anything :
To accomplish their different requirements (some may be for SEO) users also don’t hesitate to try some different tricks in Facebook which is actually not given in Facebook functionality. So on demand of our visitors, here I’m going to discuss one of those Facebook tricks. This trick, mostly used for SEO purpose is how to add continue reading text link in Facebook post which on click tend to open intended brand page.
A simple and working trick to add continue reading text link in Facebook post which on click tend to open intended brand page. Follow simple steps listed below:-
Things you will need :
1. Your page id (Which you want to open)
2. Your post text
3. A short code given below
Steps :
1. Copy this code in notepad
@[697082067123959:0] Your Post Text @@[0:[697082067123959:1:continue reading…]]
2. Visit your brand page About/Info section and copy page Id in notepad
3. Replace “697082067123959” with your own page id in short code
4. Replace “Your Post Text” with your own post text in short code
5. Replace “continue reading…” with text you want to create link (optional)
6. Now your code would look like –
7. Now go to m.facebook.com
(This trick works only in mobile devices or on m.facebook.com )
8. Paste this code in post text area and click on post
9. That’s it, you have done !!
1. Go to http://findmyfbid.com/
2. Paste your page url and click on go
3. Thats it, you have done!!!
B. Stop tagging at facebook
Facebook benefits from people using the photo tagging feature because it encourages more engagement in their product. However, there are three ways to address this issue: (1) tell your friends you don't want to be tagged, (2) remove the tag when you're notified it's added, and (3) set a privacy setting to allow "only me" to see what photos/videos you're tagged in. The privacy setting can be found as follows:
1. Under the "Account" menu in the upper right, choose "Privacy Settings"
2. In the section "Things others share" find "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" and click "Edit Settings"
3. Change the "Who can see..." option to "Customize"
4. Change the "These people" option to "Only Me"
5. Click the "Save Setting" button
C. How to Bypass Facebook photo tag verification 2016 New
When You Get this problem Than you will see Friends tag verification.
The solution is very simple :
1. Just downlaod Hola VPN from Playstore
2. Open it and set country JAPAN
3. Enter m.basic.facebook.com in search box
4. Then login with your facebook id
5. It will ask for your mobile number and date of birth to verify your accounts.
6. And its done.
D. Creat Fake facebook conversation
You can create fake facebook coversation as per your desire visiting
E. Invite all facebook friends to like your page and group at once.
You can invite all your facebook friends at once with the help of chrome extension .Download this extension and invite all your friends at once to grow your facebook fan page or group.
D. Accept/reject all friends request/clear pending request/ invite all friends to group at once via mobile
If you have a lot of pending friends request its very annoying to accept all one by one .In this case, you need to download puffin browser.
F. Make money with facebook
You can also make money with facebook if you have follow some this steps which mentioned in this guide
I will also recommend this for you.
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